Inspector General now looking into CPS sex abuse scandal

By Bill Cameron, WLS-AM-AM News

(CHICAGO)  In the Chicago Public Schools sex abuse scandal, Mayor Emanuel’s CPS Board President Frank Clark has bowed to public pressure and put the CPS Inspector General on the case.

Hard to believe the CPS IG wasn’t on the case from the beginning, but the pressure to make this move was so great, Board Pres Clark actually thanked the newspaper the mayor hates for its CPS sex abuse expose, “My response to the Tribune investigation and the other media that have been involved is, ah, thank you. We know that sexual predators are a national problem. We know that it is a state problem and it is certainly a CPS problem. It’s not as if we’ve been ignoring it, but we can and must do more.”

The mayor stayed away from his CPS presser, preferring instead to appear at a presser for the groundbreaking of the Old Cook County Hospital re-development.

@ 2018 WLS-AM News
