Almost half of Republicans think the President should have the power to kill media outlets

It seems there are a bunch of people who think the media needs to be reeled in.

Forty-three percent of Republicans think President Trump “should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior,” while only 36 percent disagreed with the statement, according to an Ipsos poll.

A large number of Republicans polled also took issue with the media in general, with 48 percent agreeing that the news media is “the enemy of the American people.”

Seventy-nine percent said mainstream media outlets treat Trump “unfairly.” 12 percent of Democrats and 21 percent of independents said the president should have the power to close down news operations “engaged in bad behavior.”

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More than 40 percent of Republicans believe that when President Trump castigates “fake news,” he should be allowed to shutter certain outlets as punishment for “bad behavior.”
