Drug Company Hikes Price Of Overdose Antidote 600 Percent

A private drug company called Kaleo just hiked up the price of a life-saving overdose antidote – by 600 percent.

The company bumped the cost of EVZIO, its nalaxone drug, from $575 up to a whopping $4,100 for a two-pack. Many drug makers are raising the price of nalaxone, which is used to reverse overdoses and is often carried by police and emergency workers.

The company defended its decision by saying it can’t turn a profit under the old prices. Ohio Sen. Rob Portman called it “outrageous” to raise prices “during a national opioid crisis”.

Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2018/11/19/kaleo-opioid-overdose-antidote-naloxone-evzio-rob-portman-medicare-medicaid/2060033002/
