Is a new form of government coming to City Hall?

At City Hall, Bill Cameron says the city elections may produce a new form of government.

On paper at least City Hall is supposed to be a strong council-weak mayor form of government. In practice, it’s been strong mayor-weak council. But it’s a change election April 2nd with a new mayor and a lot of new faces coming to the council.

Veteran Alderman Tony Beale says it’ll be strong council-weak mayor if the new mayor tries to do away with aldermanic prerogative over developments in the wards.
“We know our community. You don’t want to turn over issues that are valuable to my community to the paper-pushers downtown who don’t know the community.”

Both candidates say they want to rein-in aldermanic prerogative, but there will be a big fight if the new mayor tries to do that. ​
