Blind Runner, Guide Dogs Complete NY Half Marathon

Blind runner Thomas Panek finished the NY Half Marathon on Sunday, finishing the 13.1-mile race in under two and a half hours with his three guide dogs helping him along the way. Panek has made history as the first blind man to complete the marathon.

Panek’s three Labrador retrievers, Westley, Waffle and Gus, also made history as the first dogs to run in and complete the NY Half Marathon. The dogs were well trained; Panek started a nonprofit in 2014 that trains guide dogs and teaches them to guide specifically while running.

Each of the three dogs took a portion of the race. Volunteers and veterinarians also helped to ensure the animals’ safety. It was also another great celebration for Panek; not only did he achieve a sense of independence by running in the race, he and his team also celebrated guide dog Gus’ retirement immediately after the half marathon.

