Poll: More Americans Want Immigration Levels To Remain The Same

A recent survey that gauges the opinions of Americans on immigration has found that most would prefer levels to remain the same or even increase slightly since the question was asked two years ago.

It’s the first time the General Social Survey found that Americans are now ok with where immigration levels stand, with the number of those wishing to see a decrease falling and those who would like to see an increase rising.

Dropping 41 percent to 34 percent is the number of Americans who want to see immigration levels fall. The number of those seeking an increase has gone from 17 percent in 2016 to 23 percent in the 2018 survey.

A plurality of those polled thinks the levels should remain the same, standing at 41 percent in the figures released this week.

Source: https://www.snopes.com/ap/2019/03/20/poll-more-americans-want-immigration-to-stay-the-same/
