Portland Mayor to Homeland Security: ‘We Don’t Need Your Help’

After six straight weeks of protests, the mayor of Portland has a message for the Homeland Security officers who have been sent there to help: Either “stay inside or leave.”

Mayor Ted Wheeler says his biggest concern isn’t violence among the city’s demonstrators; it’s violence carried out by federal officers. “I told the acting secretary that my biggest immediate concern is the violence federal officers brought to our streets in recent days, and the life-threatening tactics his agents use,” Wheeler tweeted. “We do not need or want their help.”

Over the past six weeks, Portland business owners have reported more than $23 million in losses caused by looters and rioters – and that doesn’t include their loss of revenue due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Source: https://dailycaller.com/2020/07/15/portland-mayor-homeland-security-federal-agents-help/
