Tag Archives: biden

“The only way Biden can avoid this 2nd debate is if he’s hit by a bus”

University of Chicago Professor emeritus and featured writer on Real Clear Politics, Charles Lipson speaks to the scandal cover ups from the Biden campaign and how the white house staff didn’t do a good job of protecting the President.  Biden needs an entire team of people walking with  him to keep him from being questioned, yet the White House staff is to blame for Biden being exposed for his lack of work and short lists of his daily tasks being publicized.  Read more from Charles Lipson at charleslipson.com

Breaking: Biden Out, Rahm Backs Clinton


By Bill Cameron, WLS News

(CHICAGO) Vice President Joe Biden has announced today that he will not be running in the Democratic presidential primary. In his announcement, Biden referenced the passing of his son, but said it wasn’t holding him back, rather, he feels there is not enough time to mount a good campaign.

“I hope there would come a time…that sooner rather than later, when you think of your loved one it brings a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eyes. Well that’s where the Biden’s are today, thank God,” Biden said. “Bo is our inspiration. Unfortunately I believe we’re out of time.”

Meanwhile, at City Hall the media-savvy mayor was doing not react, but pre-act to Biden’s big announcement. Ten minutes before Biden announced his decision not to run, Rahm said this.

Listen to Bill Caermon’s report for WLS radio news:

“He is a dedicated public servant who has served the president loyally, served the constituents of Delaware when he was a senator loyally and has moved major legislation,” Emanuel said. “In any format, whether he is a vice president or a candidate, he has a lot to offer. I do want to note though, I support former-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and what I would just say is that I think in the debate she showed both her policy and political chops.”

And for that reason, Rahm’s got to be relieved Biden’s not running.

@ 2015 WLS News