The Mark Levin Show



8/26/16 – Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Inga Barks of KNZR in Bakersfield, California fills in for Mark. Accusations against Donald Trump for being childish are ridiculous since Hillary Clinton started it. Trump is merely responding to her. In addition, it’s a good thing to persuade Trump to do the right thing on the issues and adopt conservative conditions. After that, some people have been waiting their whole lives for a female president. Being a female or male, in and of itself, doesn’t qualify you for anything. It certainly doesn’t qualify you to be president. Americans deserve someone who is qualified. Later, transgender people are no different than anyone else. The Department of Justice has put out training for police officers regarding how to handle transgender people. They want the police to ask them if they would prefer to be called Mr. or Ms. This is now just one more thing for the police to worry about and is unnecessary political correctness.