The Mark Levin Show



3/28/17 – Mark Levin Audio Rewind

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, so called conservatives, Sens John Cornyn and Mitch McConnell are attacking conservatives and the Freedom Caucus as purists. They should remember it is not about purity, but about integrity. Politicians made a promise, election cycle after election cycle to repeal Obamacare and they lied to the American people and the the Tea Party. You can’t ram through a massive new government spending bill in 18 days and start trashing conservatives when it doesn’t make it through. They have abandoned principles and the Declaration of Independence. The Republican Party has lost its identity. We didn’t hear a peep from Cornyn or McConnell when this replacement bill was in the House, because they wanted it to fail. They were never going to do the heavy lifting necessary to repeal Obamacare. After that, why is the House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes under attack? What did he do that created conflict of interest? The media got Mike Flynn to resign and Jeff Sessions to recuse himself and now is trying to humiliate Nunes. Nunes has done nothing wrong and is only helping to expose those who leaked against the Trump administration. It is the Obama admin that should be under investigation not Nunes. We want to know who and the extent to which individuals in that administration were misusing classified info, intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies.
