Bill to keep tax cheats off ballot

By Nick Gale, WLS-AM 890 News

(LOMBARD, Ill.) — In an effort to keep tax cheats from holding public office, State Sen. Chris Nybo R- Elmhurst) Thursday filed legislation that will prohibit tax cheats from being on the ballot for public office.

Senate Bill 3636 would require candidates to provide to the State Board of Elections notarized certification that he or she has not been convicted of tax fraud and has not been found by any taxing body or court to have intentionally engaged in acts of fraud, deceit or misrepresentation to achieve a reduction in the amount of taxes due or to avoid paying taxes that would otherwise be owed.

“This is a good government bill designed to keep tax cheaters out of government,” Nybo said. “If you defraud the taxpayers, you should be disqualified from holding public office and you should surrender your right to serve the people.”

Nybo’s bill will require the State Board of Elections to provide election authorities with a list of names of candidates who were convicted of tax fraud.

@  2018 WLS-AM News​

