Texas Republican Says Women Should be Jailed for Having Abortions

A member of the House of Representatives has made waves for saying women should “absolutely” be jailed for having abortions.

Texas Republican Ron Wright’s comments were caught on a video leaked by the pro-abortion group Reproaction. In it, Wright’s asked if he thinks women should go to jail for “self-managed” abortions. He replies, “Of course they should,” adding that women who’ve had abortions “committed murder.”

Contacted by the Dallas Morning News on Thursday to clarify his comments, Wright claimed his words were misconstrued. “My remarks were directed to those who perform abortions,” he said. “Those who perform the abortions should be held responsible.”

Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ron-wright-abortion_n_5cf98a19e4b06af8b505bbc4
