Barack Obama Prefers To Stay At A Hampton Inn?

Barack Obama can stay at any hotel he wants to while he’s on the road but he admits that sometimes he’d rather just crash at a Hampton Inn. During a green energy building conference, Obama said that staying in the Presidential Suite can be too much for one reason: Too many lights!

Obama told the audience, “Before I go to bed, [I] go from room to room to turn off all the lights, and there are a bunch of different lamps, and sometimes they hide where the light switches are because they want to make them look really cool.”

He continued, “And it might take me 15 minutes to shut down, where if I was just in the Hampton Inn, there’s like one light switch, one bathroom door, and the bed, and the TV remote; I’m good.”

Obama has stayed at several Hampton Inns across the country just in case you were wondering.

