The Mark Levin Show



1/31/17 – Mark Levin Audio Rewind

President Donald Trump has chosen Neil Gorsuch, a jurist on the Denver based 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to fill Antonin Scalia’s former Supreme Court seat. Finally, we have solid appointment and conservative judge. Democrats will fight his nomination and Republicans must do everything they can to make sure he gets confirmed. Sen Mike Lee calls in from the White House to discuss Gorsuch’s experience. After that, Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ is against 7 countries which together do not make up 25% of the Muslim world. The very people who attack the Constitution are attacking Trump’s order as unconstitutional. They spend more time claiming people overseas have constitutional rights rather than defending Americans constitutional rights. We are at a very dangerous turning point because of Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. These politicians stand for nothing but a centralized government. Also, why is it assumed that the Democrat Party represents all Muslim Americans when they don’t? Most Muslim Americans are prolife, against same sex marriage and are against the violence of radical jihadists. In addition, the same left is in California betraying our country by nullifying federal law in sanctuary cities and advocating for secession. If the left is going to continue to nullify law so should conservative mayors and governors, when it comes to conservative issues like gun control. Later, the Democrat Party was the party of nullification when it came to slavery. Now it’s the party of nullification when it comes to sanctuary cities and the party of secession. James Madison rejected nullification or secession. He said you can’t have a country with secession and that no state has the power to undo their citizenship in the U.S.