Trump Wants $600 Benefits To Continue

While Congress debates whether or not to extend the $600 per week federal unemployment benefits, President Trump is making it clear that he wants it to continue.

Mexico to Homeschool Students with Televised Classes

Like many children in the U.S., more than 30 million kids in Mexico won’t be returning to school later this month in an effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus. However, unlike their U.S. counterparts, Mexican students won’t be taking classes online.

Hotel Housekeeper Finds Naked Man in Closet

Over the years, hotel staff members have found everything from bags of cash to sex toys while cleaning rooms. But workers at an Ohio Quality Inn have them all beat. They found a full-grown naked man in a closet.

Scientists Solve 1 of Stonehenge’s Mysteries

For years, scientists have been plagued by three unanswered questions related to Stonehenge: 1) Who built it? 2) Why was it built? and 3) Where did the stones used to construct it come from? Now, they’ve come up with an answer to one of those questions.

Mystery Seeds Now Popping Up in Texas

Those mystery seeds you’ve been hearing about this week that keep showing up in mailboxes across the U.S. — have now landed in Texas.