Tag Archives: Steve Cortes

Tom Bevan Show (10/28/18) – A.B. Stoddard / Steve Cortes / Carl Cannon – Pipe Bombs and Antisemitism Hate Just Days Before the Midterm Elections

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Tom Bevan Show (10/28/18) – A.B. Stoddard / Steve Cortes / Carl Cannon – Pipe Bombs and Antisemitism Hate Just Days Before the Midterm Elections

Tom Bevan Show (08/19/2018) – Steve Cortes / Charles Lipson / Carl Cannon

Tom Bevan Show (08/19/2018) – Steve Cortes / Charles Lipson / Carl Cannon

Trump’s war on the media has been non-stop since the campaign began and there are no signs of it coming to an end. Now a planned protest of articles by members of the media have only pushed the battle further.

John Brennan wants to sue President Donald Trump after the revocation of Brennan’s security clearance and claims the action was a retaliatory action and an attempt to silence complaints about Trump.

New York’s Governor, Andrew Cuomo made a statement last week in which he said, “We’re not going to make America great again; it was never that great.” Was that a mistake and will it hurt his future political career?

Tom Bevan Show (07/22/2018) – Steve Cortez / John Kass / Carl Cannon

Steve Cortez – Why President Donald Trump is not a secret agent for Russia.  Chicago Tribyne columnist

John Kass –  Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s reaction and response to shootings in the city just might be a prediction of his next election.

Carl Cannon – ‘The Deep State’ and how John Brennan and James Comey are pushing Americans to vote for Democrats in the next presidential election.  Bret Kavanaughhas been nominated to the U.S. Supreme court, but it appears the Democrats can’t find anything negative in his past.

Tom Bevan Show (6/3/18)

On a new episode of the Tom Bevan Show, Tom talks to Caitlin Huey-Burns (Associate Editor at RealClearPolitics)​ about the upcoming North Korean summit. Also in today’s show Steve Cortes (Fox News contributor and former Trump campaign operative), Bill Wayland (Hoover Institution research fellow), and Dr. Charles Lipson (Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago).

Tom Bevan (12/17) Guests: A.B. Stoddard, Dr. Charles Lipson, Steve Cortes, and James Arkin.

Tom Bevan (12/17) Guests: A.B. Stoddard – Associate Editor at RealClearPolitics​ – TOPICS – Alabama elected Democrat, Doug Jones in a tight race against scandal plagued republican candidate, Roy Moore. Dr. Charles Lipson – Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago and contributor to RealClearPolitics – TOPICS – Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said on Wednesday he has seen no reason to fire special prosecutor Robert Mueller thus far. James Arkin ​- Congressional Reporter for RealClearPolitics – TOPICS – The Tax Bill – Will it happen? Will it Work? What does it mean to Americans? Steve Cortes – Fox News contributor and former Trump campaign operative – TOPICS – Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel took to the Steven Colbert show this past week to launch what some have described as a “distraction” to the problems in the city of Chicago.

Tom Bevan (12/03/17)

Tom Bevan (12/03/17)


Steve Cortes, Fox News contributor and former Trump campaign operative and spokesman for the Hispanic 100.
Tim Kane, the JP Conte Fellow in Immigration Studies at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.
John Kass, Columnist for the Chicago Tribune.
Carl Cannon, Contributor to Real Clear Politics.